What are the best parks on the Northern Beaches?

We often get asked “What are the best Northern Beaches parks?” Sydney has many amazing parks and we’ve put together the best of the best on the Northern Beaches. These parks are perfect for your outdoor Laser Tag party and include everything you need, picnic tables and public toilets. Here are our top 5 parks … Continued

What are the best North Shore parks for your party?

We are constantly being asked “What are the best outdoor locations to hold a LaserWarriors party?” So we’re compiling a list of our top parks in each area of Sydney, for a new series of blog posts! All the parks that we recommend are well maintained with lots of trees and shrubbery that the kids … Continued

An Outdoor Laser Tag Party Can Be Thoroughly Entertaining

The realistic game environment of laser tagis ideal for outdoor setup too. The playgrounds usually portray real world scenarios. For instance, many playing zones will resemble cities ravaged by war. As such, the zones will feature broken buildings and a deformed landmass. The setting of battered buildings and a network of alleys provides the perfect … Continued